ELI5: Why is it that pseudo-scientific divination (astrology, tarot, psychics, palm reading) seem to be uncharacteristically more popular with women than men?

Most of my young/millennial female friends who are into the pseudo science and magic type stuff are really into it less out of belief and more for a fun way of framing an experience. Life is chaotic and random and can be overwhelming when you live in the moment, and framing it like a story can sometimes be a fun way to brainstorm about what to do next. It's similar to the way some people do affirmations and other "change your life!" things. Most of the stuff is vague and easy for personal experiences to be placed in, and really none of these girls are just making major life changes just because of a tarot draw or reading someone's birth charts--It might be something done before making a big decision, but it's for the stress of it as well as just being a time to think and compare what you feel is right with what answers appear in the cards. You know how they say that thing about how when you want to make a decision, you flip a coin, not for the outcome of the coin, but while it's in the air you know which outcome you're rooting for? It's a bit like that. This is also along with meditative thought, communication with friends, study, and already formed ideas of course. It's just fun really, and can be soothing I guess. It's also a fun thing to talk about I guess. But at least in my anecdotal experience, it's been like this.

Most guys I know are afraid of doing things that others might think is weird or girly. Most guys I know think of these things as girly. Though these same guys I know who rejected and laughed at that stuff tend to get superstitious about sports to the point where they act like something that happened in their home will literally effect the outcome of the game.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread