ELI5: What actually defines biological sex? Especially in edge cases like sea-horses, or fish that change sex. Do plants follow the same criteria, or do we just use the same terms for a completely different system?

Well in humans is our reproductive organs. Seahorses are monogamous which means they cultivate the egg while they're males. But the fact that you're trying to use seahorses as a valid argument means you're not entirely rational. You know exactly what defines a male and a female. People might want to change that and good for them if they feel like that's someone thing they need to be happy great, good on them but don't start getting butthurt when we don't remember your unicorn name and we don't use your non gender specific names. You guys make it hard for the population to leave you alone. ( Sorry if you're not whatever you want to be ) triggered

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread