ELI5: When people colour black and white photos how do they know what colour everything was?

Statistics helps too. Rarely are objects in life manufactured as just pure hues. Green objects are the most likely to be a pure hue. Red and orange objects tend to be darker (brown is just dark orange). So each shade of grey tends to be a certain hue of color.

Here's the set of Addams Family, entirely greyscale, processed thru an A.I. colorizer - https://imgur.com/ql5mqt0.png . Notice the pink walls - a strange choice for that shade of grey. But if you look it up it's true https://www.boredpanda.com/the-addams-familys-living-room-was-actually-pink/ . How did it know? Because red was a popular color on hollywood sets. Directors knew reddish hues show up darker on b&w film.

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