ELI5 This whole thing

When you ask "why" you are asking for a reason. Like when you ask, "Why does the sun come up and go down?" The reason is that the Earth spins, and the sun is out there in space, so the sun looks like it's going up and down from the Earth. Everything happens for reasons.

The reasons for things that happen are logical. Logic is when a sentence combines facts with words like "if," "and," "or," and "not." For instance, if there's a planet, and the planet spins, then from the planet, other things will look like they are spinning or circling through the sky. That always works that way, for any planet, Earth or Mars or anywhere. That's a law of nature. Laws of nature follow logic. Laws of nature are always the same, anywhere and any time.

Laws of nature aren't about people's feelings. Nothing in nature happens because people want it to happen, or don't want it to happen. It's all logic.

Nature was all just matter, stuff like rocks, that follows the laws of nature. Then things kept combining and changing until there was life. Life is things that can make copies of themselves, like plants. A plant makes seeds and the seeds grow into the same kind of plant. Life keeps changing a little because it doesn't make copies that are just exactly the same. The kinds of life that make more copies become new kinds of life, called new species. That whole way that life changes is called evolution. Species evolve into other species.

Animal life came along that way. Animals evolved. Animals can move. Animals started choosing where to move. Animals started sensing what was around them, using senses like eyes to see, so that they could choose where to move, to find the plants and eat them. Animals want to do that. Animals have feelings.

Eventually, people came along that way. People evolved. People move and use senses to see and think before they choose, more than other animals think. Something really special that people do is they can choose to make sounds from what they think. That means they can learn to talk.

Because people can learn to talk, they can learn to talk about the reasons for things. A long time ago, when people started talking, they were talking about what they want. Then they started talking about everything. At first they were talking about everything like it was made of animals. Can you imagine, they thought the sun was like a person or a horse that runs up and down through the sky, because it "wants" to do that?

You know that a magnet attracts things made of iron. Nails get pulled to a magnet and stick to it, because nails have iron in them. Some people still talk about magnets as if iron "wants" to move closer to a magnet. Some people learned to use logic instead, and say the laws of nature, in numbers and logic, to say just how much things move toward a magnet and when. Science means knowing the laws of nature. So those people are called scientists, because they use science and find out more science. Magnets attract iron with a certain amount of force depending on the strength and size of the magnet, and depending on the amount of iron. That's a law of nature.

Because scientists could figure out how those neat things work, like the sun going up and down, and magnets attracting things, and how much iron is in things, then some people could become engineers. Engineers build things and make inventions of new things. Engineers invented clocks, that have wheels in them, to tell time better than looking at the sun, even when the sun is down. Then engineers invented cars, with bigger wheels and stronger motors than clocks. Then engineers invented the most complicated thing people have invented: computers.

Computers have thousands of thousands of parts, which is millions of parts, and some have thousands of times more parts, billions of parts. The parts in computers are connected to each other to do things logically. So when you press a button on a computer, thousands of logical things follow, in the electricity in the millions of wires in the computer. That makes the right letter show up on the screen with the right shape. You can send that letter to another computer or phone, using electricity and magnetism, that scientists discovered can go through the air, just like the magnet attracts the nail through the air.

Some people wanted to sell more computers to other people, to make money. So they thought, "What do people want on their computers?" Their answer was that people want games. People are mostly like kids, or they have kids, and kids want to play games. So the engineers who write the logic that goes inside computers put games in there. They put little pictures of people moving around and fighting with each other and exploring mazes. You press the button, and instead of getting a letter or a number, you get a little picture of a person moving left of right. Computers were first made up for science and for communication, for science, to calculate the numbers for engineers to build more things for people, and for communication, for everyone to send letters to each other about the important things they were doing and letters where they talk about logical reasons for things, so there could be more science and more good stuff for everyone.

The people who made computers for games instead sold a lot more computers. People really were still mostly like children, who wanted to play games. Even adults were like that, and would play games on their computers all day when they could.

One day, an adult who played games all day and who was the very best game player in the world, who could beat anyone, thought about what everyone was doing. He thought, why does everyone waste their time playing games, when now with all these new inventions people can get more things done? People can make it so there's enough food and houses in the world that no one has to be hungry or cold. So he started trying to raise money, trying to have the people who watched video games give money to people who need food and houses. He noticed that not everyone was being logical. People still weren't doing things for good reasons. Most people wanted just to play their games and watch games and sit around by themselves in their rooms all day and night, like spoiled children.

So he tried to figure out what would really change the world, what would really make a difference so that people would act better, and be nice to each other, instead of selfishly playing their games all day. Because it takes being smart to play video games really fast and beat everyone, he was really, really smart. So he could figure out that people were going wrong because they weren't following logic. People were following what they wanted. People wanted to hide away in their rooms, and sit in big comfortable chairs and be comfortable playing games, and forget about the rest of the world and not be bothered by any of it. So he figured that he would have to wake people up, from being like they were almost asleep and dreaming like that. He wrote about how to stop just wanting things, just wanting to be comfortable, and how to follow logic.

He found out that when people switch from wanting to be comfortable like they have "comfort" for their friend, to wanting to be logical like "logic" is their friend, people can have an experience of switch from one to the other that's so strong, so fast, that he called it a "click." When people learn that trying to be comfortable doesn't get them the things they thought they wanted, and they learn that trying to be logical does get them the things that people really want, they can have a "click." They go from being like spoiled children who always want to play games and never want to clean their room or even make a sandwich for themselves, to being adults who can learn science and engineering and make the world better for themselves and everyone.

Playing games doesn't get you food, it doesn't even get you a comfortable chair. Watching games doesn't get you anything. But if you play and watch logic, the right kind of logic, science and engineering, that's where all the good stuff in the world that people can get really comes from. People were always supposed to learn logic anyway, when they grow up. That's what the laws of nature were causing. That's where evolution was heading anyway. When people click they realize that they're part of that and it's what they're meant to do. That feels good, because that's part of what people really want.

The people who clicked made a group and started trying to spread it. They said that once you click, you'll want to help spread it too. We're in the middle of this. Where the story goes next is up to you.

/r/Makingsense Thread