ELI5: Why do women out live men in all countries?

The reasons for these statistics are composition effect and biology Composition effects: * In most countries men tend to consume bad stuff like alcohol, tobacco, fat etc. more likely * Imc usually men are the ones who work (for wage) for the family and that puts them up to a lot of stress. The amount of stress is higher for them from one side and they can handle it less effectively from the other. Higher because most societies instill the believe that they are the ones who has to make money and if they not doing it well (or as well as their peers) they are failures (Breaking Bad for ref). (The only epectations for women is to marry and make children.) They cannot handle it because these societies instill the behavior to do not show or feel or deal with their emotions ("boys don't cry", "Did I hurt you? What are you a girl?") These are really frustrating and incites them to work harder (more stress, better deploition of your body) or smoke and drink.

Biology: * Having two X chromosomes, women keep double copies of every gene, meaning they have a spare if one is faulty. Men don’t have that back-up. The result is that more cells may begin to malfunction with time, putting men at greater risk of disease. * Testosterone helps you to grow bigger and more alpha... for a time. If the females have the alphas seeds the male does not really needed anymore. The younger ones will defend the females in a short time, thats what you get. And the testosterone that helped you get laid will help you to meet hypertension, prostate cancer and their friends * Meanwhile oestrogen acts like an antioxidant and helps you to clean your body from poisonous chemicals. * Menstruation increases the womens heartrate just like during exercise, which lower the risk of cardiovascular desease later in life

I think it has several other reasons too (eg. something with that you lose old blood and make new during and after menstrual cycle but im not sure) but these are the main reasons that I know about.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread