Elite Billionaires Scare-Mongering the public has begun over the weekend, to shake paper hands on Monday.

frankly, If this crashes the market then for the love of god what was even holding it up?

Nothing, and that should be the true headline. That's what they're really afraid of, that everyone will look behind the curtain and realize that not only is there no wizard, there's not even a fucking smoke machine. It's curtains all the way down.

But putting aside the existential horror of basing our entire economy on a house of cards, only an idiot would look at the HF's playing chicken with retail retards and think that the retards are the irresponsible ones. You know why the rest of the market dipped this last week? It's the fucking HF's pulling capital from other more reliable, safer vehicles to cover their losses.

It's the HF's who setup the conditions for this crash, and the ones who will cause it. They set it up because they are greedy, and they will cause the crash because of their hubris.

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