Elizabeth Banks Says ‘Charlie’s Angels’ Was Not A Feminist Manifesto: “I Was Just Making An Action Movie”

The discussion is pretty clearly about what Elizabeth Banks said and not Gummy_yumyum. Besides, the whole reason it's such a big deal now to introduce more diversity into movie protagonists is because we know that audiences like it when they can identify with the protagonist. It's great that we're getting more diversity, but it doesn't make somebody a sexist monster if they prefer to see movies with protagonists that they have an easier time identifying with. If we go by your logic, why should we have diversity in our protagonists? Can't women just identify with the male action heroes?

Pro-tip: claiming that a complex topic like this has "no nuance" is very problematic. If you've ever wondered why people react with hostility to your claims, it's probably because you're confusing opinions with facts. There's always a discussion to be had.

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