Elizabeth Warren: The FBI Director testified that Donald Trump's campaign is under investigation for collusion w/ Russia. Lifetime court appointments can wait.

Rheee! Pochahontas!

No I mean where she legitimately claimed Native American status. This isn't a joke, Man. She believes that she is a First Nation person. This has been a "Thing" for many years, This isn't an old argument...

Your username looks a little new.

Fine, Google my argument. It goes back years to when she claimed FN status.

Look, the source simply says that the president, who is under investigation for ties with a foreign government, shouldn't have the right to make a lifetime judicial appointment.

You can say that he "Shouldn't have the right" but that's not reality. You understand that, Right? He has the right...

Especially after his party stole that constitutionally given right from the last president. Oh wait, I forgot, RHEEEE! POCAHONTAS!!

So Trump was basically a NY dem for years, Became a conservative when your party went off the effing rails and "Stole"? the right for Obama to appoint a SP judge?

Look, You're angry. I'm angry too. But government is working. I'm sorry it's not working in your favor but lets not throw around angry words with no meanings, ok?

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