Elizabeth Warren Launches New Attacks On "Ally" Sanders, Reveals Ludricious Plan To Steal Nomination

Warren accepting non-transparent PAC money, trashing Bernie and bending on her policies... it's disappointing. I was thinking a Sanders/Warren ticket would have been so inspiring but it just gets further from possible every day, with every downward move her team advises. It cost her the lead, and she stuck with it. I really, really believed in her but just can't anymore. It reminds me of John McCain - such a backbone of integrity & strength before his team started controlling his voice and chose Sarah Palin, of all possible fckn running mates. When McCain gave up on the presidency he reclaimed his voice & we could once again see the man he'd always been. I worry Warren is trying so hard to win, she's losing herself.

/r/WayOfTheBern Thread Link - youtube.com