Elo Hell in Silver is great

Look, i know you don't want to hear this but elohell doesn't exist, its basic math. There are 5 variables (potential inters, toxic people, bad players, afks, trolls etc) on the enemy team and only 4 on your team. So if you perform consistently and never do anything of the above you will climb in the long run. I know there are certain games where your team is just too heavy and you loose them without it being your fault, but thats just the nature of a team game. You either have to accept this and find a way to deal with "unfair" losses, or just don't play the game if you just get mad at it. Seriously why even play it if it only makes you this mad. Lastly the only thing i can acknowledge is smurfs, they really are a problem and they can make the experience less fun. Additionaly there are mathematically more smurfs on the enemy team. However i still have no idea how anyone could prevent people from smurfing, except using the system they use in Korea. (connecting the account to a social security number) But i don't think that's really possible.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread