Elon Musk calls CERN's Large Hadron Collider a 'demonic technology'

Look into the Cern opening ceremony. Quite strange, mystical and otherworldly event with deep spiritual connotations for the location of a supposedly scientific device.

There is also a shiva statue placed just outside the facility. Who is a god of destruction and creation.

The idea that Cern is being used for purposes beyond the scientific and mundane is well founded.

A show on netflix called stranger things actually shows a Cern like device being utilized by the russians to punch a hole between dimensions into the "upside down"

To anyone who's actually educated in the occult, what Elon said wasn't that crazy. Especially when you consider that many of the most prominent figures on the planet are involved in such practices in some capacity.

Elon most likely knows more than we think. As I said, it's not the first time he's let something slip that you wouldn't expect to the general public.

The fact that anyone on that level of wealth and platform would even "joke" about such a thing is, at the very least interesting.

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