Elon Musk owns Twitter. Now what?

Why do you accuse me of spreading lies instead of assuming I am merely mistaken? Why do you assume bad faith on my part? Here's a study backing me up: https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o298

I agree it's not worth arguing with, e.g., holocaust deniers. Obviously you have to draw the line somewhere and reasonable minds will disagree on where that is.

Do you remember the summer of 2020? I and many others were TERRIFIED of saying anything remotely critical of BLM (or Defund the Police even) for fear of being called racist. The atmosphere around the issue was so intense. I will agree that things have subsequently cooled down to a degree.

And you're right, norms change over time. In general this is a good thing. My issue is the black and white moral absolutism on these issues from people who until very recently viewed things differently, and their frequent unwillingness to even acknowledge the inconsistency.

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