Elon Musk with Ghislaine Maxwell at an high society event

Wow you really like the taste of another mans boot in your mouth.

Lmao this should be good.

&#>People just dislike him cause owning a company that made a few inventions (that honestly show me some graphs, what MEASURABLE benefit has any of his companies inventions actually achieved on the macro scale?)

Creating competition in spaceflight? Pushing advancements in reusable tech? Fuck reusables for a second.. do you even understand the importance of competition? You sound like you read a biased article and are ripping it off word for word.

doesn't mean you should be worshiped like a god

A god? This comment thread is mainly negative, let alone that's 100% your opinion that he's seen, let alone WORSHIPED as a god. A little dramatic eh there bud?

Stop projecting lol

Oh the irony.

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