Elon: “Tesla FSD computer’s dual SoCs function like twin engines on planes — they each run different neural nets, so we do get full use of 144 TOPS, but there are enough nets running on each to allow the car to drive to safety if one SoC (or engine in this analogy) fails.”

Of course the second one is more likely to be right, but how would a computer generally know that?

By both people having gone in that room and seen it was white for the past 300 days in a row, then one day one person says it's bright pink.

That one day of pink is a statistical outlier, and it disagrees with the other computer which is statistically more likely, so we choose the computer that said the room was white and we make a note about how the other computer was wrong.

there is no algorithm to detect which of two outputs seems more likely.

Yes there is, it's broadly called Regression analysis.

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