Embracing the Dark Side of Being an INFJ

I'm gunna level with you. Got a throwaway for this but my dark side.. actually sort of impresses me. I understand how Hitler had this personality. I'm also going to heavily criticise some of the infjs I met too but more so because I want them to see the full potential at hand. Maybe I'm insane, it's probable but maybe not.

I met an INFJ girl today and she was nice, kind, but so focused on keeping harmony (she was late 20s), it was overboard. She was a doormat and even if people weren't walking all over her, she gave off that vibe. Nothing wrong with it, looks can be deceiving but when I asserted myself, she was extremely uncomfortable. So preoccupied with being the "goodiest". A lot of people on this subreddit seem incredibly unhappy. People have dead end jobs, jobs they hate, family and friends they despise- wake up. You are the only person in control of your life. Yeah, you do good but go harder. Do more. Give more. Look. Look and then vocalize somehow.

People- the things happening in your head probably aren't normal people things and that's good. It's not about being different or the few, it's about contributing and giving more. Hey, you also have some ideas up there that can help people. Go use them. You are so smart. The reality is, people are fucking stupid as fuck when it comes to others. Forget social norms- social norms are created for practicality but also to help others to 'understand'. You understand people without these norms. That's extremely valuable.

People do not know who you are. They probably will never unless you choose so stop letting other peoples dumbass opinions dictate your worth, your image, your capabilities. The other common theme it seems is that INFJs tend to be skipped over due to lack of assertion and the high walls we have. Keep the ways, assert yourself more. Give off the energy you want to receive. All the INFJs I meet have been intelligent, extremely insight, extremely clever in group settings, extremely hyper aware without the internal bullshit (ouu how does this make me feel- no we take information, sensitive information and you guys can decipher it like no tomorrow without it hurting your feelings- thats a lot of fucking potential people. Most people cant do that). Y'all need to see how much you're worth. We are few and thats good because if all you fuckers woke up tomorrow and seen what you were capable of understanding and applied it- we would be in a different world. You are so able to accomplish.

Go and get out of those shitty fucking jobs. Fuck them. Fuck your shitty husband, your shitty wife and realize that you literally don't need them. You choose them so now unchoose them if you're unhappy. If you can't, take steps because one day you're going to die and I want you to see even just a glimpse of the light in this darkness. Go get into fields like academia, psychology, social sciences, etc- and use your skills, knowledge, and insight. Make yourself happy please.

But yeah, dark side. More like, thinks about how to manipulate others on a massive scale. Forget stress and shit is just a shadow. The dark side has a flavour of evil but if used correctly, can do massive good. Sorry for rant everyone.

/r/infj Thread