Emily Sucks Sometimes

i feel like lorelai maybe should’ve just stayed away. her mom was always so hurtful. even though lorelai has control issues with rory, i think she definitely was nicer than her mom. i have a narcissistic parent and they really are best avoided in my experience. there’s no give and take, petty immaturity, constantly having to be on the offense because of their emotionally fragile nature that puts them constantly on attack mode due to their insecurity. it’s exhausting and i don’t know how lorelai can manage it. these people are endless pits who just want to keep you for their own purposes and use guilt and other emotional abuse to make you feel tethered to continuing the relationship. i don’t know that there is any negotiating with a true narcissist either. i wonder where emily’s family is btw.. maybe they realized this years ago and cut ties. it would make sense. i know emily had needs but she needed to deal with them without hurting others. otherwise, no bueno sayanora. that’s why she had to pay people to stay around.

/r/GilmoreGirls Thread