Employee picks up the tab for a struggling customer, and it was the nicest thing I've seen in a really long time.

This is so awesome, I just love this story!! Have one a bit similar too So my husband runs an auto shop, and a couple years ago there was a guy and his wife passing through town when he had a tire blow out on the interstate. Besides needing a tire, it damaged his wheel and lots of other stuff. Honestly going that fast it was a miracle he didn’t wreck. It turned out he was on leave from the army and had picked up his car from storage in Virginia to go to his fathers funeral in Alabama. The work turned out to be pretty pricey and he was freaking out about paying for it, tried opening a credit account and was denied. My husband and his guys all pooled their money to pay for this guys work, and sent him on his way. I was so proud of all of them.

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread