Employers and managers who had to fire their best employee - what happened?

I am the ''best employee''. It was back in university, essentially a customer service position at the local print shop. My manager has always been impressed by how much pressure I can absorb and/or how quick I would learn new stuff....blablabla

Essentially, one day we had a pretty dick head lady coming in, giving shit to every single rep that was around. TBH, I don't remember what it was exactly. We did our best to satisfy her demand, she left. Then when the shop had no customer, employees started to bitch about her. I joined the conversation, some sort of High positioned guy from the uni was walking around the hallway and heard part of the conversation. Sent directly an email to my boss' boss. Since, I was kind of the (implied) leader of the team on that day, I took the bullet and got fired. No aftereffect on the rest of the team.

Pretty sure my manager was aware that I ate the bullet and didn't let it spill on anyone else, he was trying to push me to give more details (and potentially names) during my last talk with him and his boss. His boss couldn't care less, he just wanted a responsible for the complain.

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