[employment] New Job

For your pay, getting more than the initial offer is good. Not all places pay the average. If you want more than what a particular place pays, you often have to move on to get more.

I LOVE food way to much and eat all the time.

That can be expensive, but if you cannot stop doing this, at least use a credit card that gives you rewards for dining.

Credit Card: 1600$ no interest free for 12 months. Paying the minimum of 135$ a month. No issue here.

You should avoid debt except for good reasons. $1.6k paid in a year should be no issue though.

Credit Card: 600$ (3 different cards)

Pay that off. Make credit cards benefit you.

Student Loans: 14,000$ (still in school until december so deferred for another year)

Not a priority now, but it should be something you budget for in the future.

Student Loans: 14,000$ (still in school until december so deferred for another year)

Gas: 150$-200$ a month (Random depends on how much i go out)

You should use a credit card that rewards you for this as well.

Food/Drinks/Fun Stuff: 300$-700$ (Is it random when I feel like I have money to spend and buy food)

That is much too high. You should budget for this. For example, I have a $50 "whatever" budget (I call it "entertainment") a month.

Bills: ( This is some months not all) Phone: 180$ a month Internet/TV/Phone: 110$ a month

You could probably improve this. Your phone bill is far too high. Are you financing a portable device? Why do you have another phone?

Savings: 1000$

You should budget to build this up.

/r/personalfinance Thread