Encouragement to Stay the Course: Just For Anyone Who Needs It

Well, I fundamentally disagree that investing in high volatility stocks is gambling. You can make reasonable option plays and set stop losses. It's not rocket science.

This old-school mentality of "Hold positions, never sell, etc." is nonsense if you want to see serious progression. It's outdated. It comes from a time pre internet, before people could LITERALLY make investments in 30 seconds from their toilet for free and have thousands of other people sharing as much info as possible for a mutual gain.

I'm up 800% on TSLA shares, 80%+ on PLTR shares, and even more on PLTR / TSLA calls. My 401k, managed by "professionals" is up a measly 9-10%. I am simply not content w/ settling for average therefore I dive in head first and take risks so that I can potentially reap the spoils.

Don't play with money you're not willing to lose and there's no shame in holding stocks if you're content with a 6%-7% return annually - but don't act like people who are utilizing the market conditions are immature gamblers.

PLTR is the real deal, which is why I invested. TSLA is the real deal, which is why I invested. Taking advantage of high volatility is not a bad thing to do unless you're bad at it.

/r/investing Thread