End of the line for stuff that's built to die?

Tesla had wireless bulbs with free energy so efficiency is a moot point. Same would apply for solar or wind power. I just think it is a waste of resources to keep making things over and over instead of doing it right the first time. Think of how many thousands of years we did not have light bulbs. It seems wreck less to have so much waste in our country just because we can. It is troubling to think about all the toxic electronic waste that gets hauled off by cargo ships to "third world" countries. They ship it here from China then they ship it to India to throw it away. I would be happy with oil lamps. Many of my tools are antiques. I don't sell tons of items but enough to get by and each year I have more return customers. I am not trying to get rich, just support myself sustainably.

So ok great LED, let's go make 900 million LED units and 4 years later throw them all away in a land fill because ARC technology seems so much more promising. It is like we are chasing a never ending goal with the simple task of recreating candle technology. Meanwhile creating billions of pounds of garbage. It seems silly and wasteful. The Sun does a pretty good job of lighting things up, who are we to decide that we need pollute the Earth to be able to see after sundown.

I guess we just disagree; I don't like disposable. To me it contradicts ancient Justinian Code, the Magna Carta and the Great Law of the Iroquois. I disagree with blowing up mountaintops for coal to provide energy to run moronic TV's. I think fracking is criminal. I think it is supremely unjust that we can no longer fish in unpolluted water. Often times I do without when I don't agree with something. I wanted to see the West Coast so I rode my bicycle there. I admit I am not like most people my age.

The Great Pyramid is actually a bad example. It is amazing beyond comprehension. The Fingerprints of the Gods is an excellent read all about it. Those Castles are still standing. I STRONGLY disagree with air raid technology.

If you are in school you are probably young and grew up immersed in technology. Having grown up with much less technology I don't feel as much solidarity with it. To me it seems unnatural to be glued to ones phone all day long or to use a automobile for every trip no matter how short.

What are some things you feel are better now? One in 6 is now on food stamps. The rate of underemployment is pretty awful as is the rate of divorce and cancer. All of the water is polluted, Northern Japan is still a disaster area last I heard. I feel like if people spent less time working to replace things and chasing corporate dreams they could contribute more to their community and neighborhood. Spend more time focusing on living simply with joy instead of being crushed with financial burden and stress.

You should read that book, the pyramids weren't built how you think and believe it or not we still do not have the technology to recreate them 14,000 years later. Peace man. It is just a silly internet forum let's just say you win. Disposable goods are man's friend. I have work to do and you have your studies. Take care and good luck. I hope you get to take those boots and backpack on a good trip this year.

/r/BuyItForLife Thread Link - theguardian.com