Is this the end of Zed?

It really feels like they are taking out alot of the outplay potential in the game. They are turning it into a chess match rather than a test of skill. You cant solo carry games anymore. you are reliant on your team and every high skill assassin in the game is kind of systematically getting nerfed. Even DFG was like the subtle hinting start of the trend. Even Ziggs who most riot personalities have voiced open dislike was buffed. SPlit pushing is nerfed with higher tower health and the stupid inner tower shields even. Games are lasting longer and longer. Most team competitions even in competitive don't allow non-scaling champions simply because scaling is so strong now.

Part of watching or playing this game is seeing or trying to be players like Faker who can have high mechanics and can use a kit and outplay an opponent so hard that it was clearly the individual who won much more so than just a specific matchup that was gained through pick and bans

I hate the feeling of playing against fed assassins like riven as much as anyone else. But some of the best moments of this game are when a leblanc or zed meet mid. Or and Ahri zed or any other assassin skill matchup. So much of it is skill, and you can see an individuals style so much better through these champs than with any others.

I really hope this nerf doesnt go through for zed. He has always been a pain in the ass for us other mid laners. but his flaws have also been so huge i would hate for them to make him even worse with his already non-meta status and low viability. Zed is probably one of the easiest assassins to itemize against and actually have options to defeat him through.

I just hope they nerf cinderhulk sometime soon.

/r/summonerschool Thread