England’s education system is failing young people who don’t go to university because there are too few quality routes for vocational education, says David Lammy, a Labour MP.

It's evident that people who say this havent been in the world academia

Crazy that eh? The people who don't financially benefit from their departments being kept afloat by this scam, aren't fans of it.

PS: If you're going to lecture from the highground of academia, best not to start your argument with "Everyone that disagrees with me is therefore braindead"

There needs to be an stepping stone from university to work

Maybe, after spending three years of your life doing one thing... You would expect to have developed some competency to walk into a job.

Instead of having these internships, which disproportional favor the well off who can live off mummy and daddies money working for free. We instead hold universities to a higher standard and provide placements as part of their degrees, like we see in the medical and allied health degrees.

/r/ukpolitics Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com