[ENGLISH/CZECH] Can Swedes cope with migration? Two different points by former Czech emigrants.

What do bugs me is the fact that she twist information to make it sounds worse than it is.

Around 18:07 in the clip she talks about how 150 000 Swedes has immigrated to USA and there are many that are talking about that to. If we actually look at the statistics we´ll ge another picture

http://www.thelocal.se/20161012/record-numbers-emigrating-from-sweden http://www.dn.se/nyheter/sverige/rekordmanga-utvandrar-de-flesta-ar-hemvandare/

http://www.sverigeisiffror.scb.se/hitta-statistik/sverige-i-siffror/manniskorna-i-sverige/in-och-utvandring/ Sedan 2011 har utvandringen återigen varit hög, över 50 000 personer per år. Majoriteten av dem har tidigare invandrat till Sverige och flyttar nu utomlands igen, oftast till landet där de föddes. Av de som utvandrade under 2015 var 33 procent födda i Sverige.Under 2015 var Norge det mest populära landet att flytta till. Det var 5073 personer som utvandrade dit från Sverige. Även de andra nordiska länderna samt Storbritannien och USA är populära länder att lämna Sverige för.

People are moving out, most of them are moving back to the countries they came from, which isnt weird - because someone who moves from the States to Sweden, or Norway, or Finland - usually moves back after they finished their work, or studies.

http://www.thelocal.se/20161012/record-numbers-emigrating-from-sweden - In contrast, the number of Finns moving to Sweden has grown in the last four years. The 2733 people who moved from Finland to Sweden in 2015 is the largest amount since 2005. In September, The Local reported that Finns are by far Sweden's biggest foreign-born community, with 156,046 of them now residing across the border.

I just dont agree with he on that, not that she explicit wrong but she makes it sounds way worse then it it (and some parts not).

/r/svenskpolitik Thread Parent Link - youtube.com