English and History SUCK

When I was 14, I hated school. I wanted to drop out, but my parents wouldn't let me. If I hadn't been required to take all my mandatory classes and take easy electives, I would have dropped them in a heartbeat. Then, in 11th grade, I took a math class that I LOVED. I loved my teacher, I loved the topics, I loved doing the homework. Several years later I'm about to finish my degree in math, and I have an amazing, high paying job lined up.

If you give young kids/teens the opportunity to take the easy route, I can guarantee most of them will. They kid who could end up getting their PhD in history will never take history classes. The kid who could become a scientist will drop their science classes. We'll end up with a society of uneducated citizens who know nothing about history or math or science and can't write properly to save their lives. That's not what we want. We want to set the bar high.

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