English Speaking Nutritionist in Seoul?

Your bench is pathetic. No offense..you can barely bench above your body weight. 1.5 times your body weight is considered intermediate for a bench..2 times for squat and 2.5 for deadlift. So yeah..your lifts are like...there...but what do I know..cuz according to you...I don't have an iota of fitness. Speaking of fitness, you frequent /r/fitness which tells me all I need to know.

You probably have done some lifting in your time..but you're not really in a position to be bragging.

Fasting is a lifestyle for many people..it's also been around for thousands of years with a myriad of studies that support its benefits. I've done multiple wet fasts and even have done a 48 hour dry fast. I'm not overweight/obese, but I find it fits my lifestyle much better.

You sound like a person who has just enough info to sound interesting to someone that knows nothing. If PSMF was effective as you claim it was..I'd know way more about it because I've done plenty of research on different types of fasting methods.

Right off the bat, there are numerous issues with reduced calorie diets, just off the top of my head:

  1. doesn't allow the body to enter ketosis

  2. no ketosis, no autophagy

  3. lowering your BSMR

  4. People that need to lose already usually have a poor relationship with food, these types of diets rarely work for them because they can't just eat a little bit of food. It requires too much self control. Not eating at all works better due to the body adjusting grehlin levels.

Go back to /r/fitness or something. If you want to up your bench, I recommend the Hepburn method. Who knows..maybe you've got chimp arms and your bench is always going to suck.

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