English television personality and gourmet, Nigella Lawson, early 1980's.

Sorry to hear about your situation with your health and family. Your career situation is common among creatives and developers. You're not alone.

Some helpful advice I have received in the past: * Sick to a schedule/routine. Se aside a 3 hours a day, a few days a week to only learn or work on your own projects. Don't go over this time. You're productivity will decline and you need time to relax. * Don't work/learn from home. Some people can. I never liked it. I would get distracted from work and I could never relax. You can rent co-working space, friend's office, or use the library for free.
* Go to development meet-ups or social events for and talk about things you want to work. Ask the organizer if you can show a personal project to the group in a couple of weeks. Find someone to collaborate with. Social contracts are great motivation.
* General Assembly SF - GA has a 12 week night course in front end. You'll walk away with a some work to showcase and enjoy GA's social events and networking. I've taken GA courses in NYC. All them were great The company I'm at now and others go to GA events looking for talent.

The following is a workflow I learned from another developer and I applied keep you motivated. Not advice, but helpful. It's like Kanban). If you've done SCRUM you've seen something like it.
1. You need a big wall , blue painter's tape and Post-It Notes.
2. You'll make 3 columns with your tape: 'To Do', 'Doing' and 'Done!'.
3. Set Goals. Like 'Make my portfolio site'. - Write them down on Post-its. Put these notes high up on your wall. 4. Break that goal into smaller goals. So maybe 'Design the front page', Code front page, etc'. - Write on Post-Its. Place below bigger goals. 5. Break these goals down again so they can be accomplished in less than a few hours. Like 'Code header for front page'. - Do the Post-it thing again. 6. When you start a Goal or Task move the Post-It over to 'doing'. Don't move something over until you start work on it. Try to move 1 of the hourly goals at a time. 7. The most important part is moving the Post-It over to 'Done' when done. Don't throw it out. You need to see your progress towards your goals.

Take pictures of your wall every few days and share on Instagram. You will leverage motivation from the social contract with your friends and family.

Good luck & share your work!

/r/OldSchoolCool Thread Link - i.imgur.com