Do you find that you enjoy people more as you have gotten older?

Yes and no.

You have those people who never seem to grow beyond high school or college. They are insecure, gossip incessantly or complain constantly and post way too much on social media. I kind of just ignore these people and just chalk it up to them being incredibly insecure and suffering in some shape or form. Feel bad for them, but don’t need them raining on my parade.

On the other hand, I find I am more interested in the more unique characters. Many don’t become my best friends per se, but I’ll go have a beer or watch basketball or whatever with them because they offer different perspectives and you can usually end up doing something you never thought. One of my closest friends is a African American guy from East St. Louis who is 12 years younger than me. We have little in common besides a love of basketball, but I love hearing his stories about growing up.

Also, if you have kids, you will learn to hang out with other kids’ parents with who you may have little in common. But if they’re good people, you can usually find something fun to do with them and their kids.

I don’t know if that answers the question at all, but I guess what many on here are saying is as you get older and creep into your late 30s and 40s, you tend to put up with less bullshit and the people spouting it. Life’s too short for that.

/r/AskMenOver30 Thread