Enough Sanders Spam has their priorities in order

I'll bite further. Prediction is that you've probably received untreated trauma from men in your distant past and women in your recent past. You probably live in a city (easier to dehumanize when there are more humans around) you're probably psuedo-educated (me smart, them not), you're probably in a profession that makes you think you're superior to others and your experience is valid. Slay on qween. The joke is that whoever hurt you could be packing either set of genitals and it wouldn't matter because you have chosen your in-group versus out-group dynamic and no amount of real world experience will make you examine this belief. Your bubble is built and no one can disrupt it. But it's fine, because someone like you will never have a stable job, partner or life due to their brain worms.

/r/stupidpol Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it