The entire 6.7-8.7 range is dead to me...

Aww you got outflanked by a fast tank with a good gun and shit armor..

That is what the axis deal with for nearly all BR ranges, M10, M18, M36, 906, PT76, ASU, half the fucking British tank tree and like 80% of the French tree...

It's not really any different than when the RU251 got introduced, I can still remember the saltiness, all of a sudden you didn't only face heavy tanks at that BR anymore and it upset a lot of people..

I don't see it going up any time soon, it all balances out, sometimes it stomps, sometimes it gets one shot at the start of the match, just like most of these types of tanks...

Meta changes, it always will.. Adjust your game play style..

/r/Warthunder Thread