The entire meta of the game is going to change over night and it's fucking fantastic!

People also quit when they're bored because not everyone wants to farm 200 hour a fucking month just to be able to raid people

So you are intentionally misunderstanding my question. I'll rephrase it. Do you think time spent in game should reflect a harder to raid base?

I'm not avoiding your questions at all.

Would you say it's fair to have a harder to raid base because you spent more in game time grinding? A harder to raid base is just a reflection of time spent in game. Is it fair to take that away?

I just don't think your style of game play should be rewarded with an impossible to raid base

Would you agree that you seem to prefer a RUST that makes it easier to raid for everyone, regardless of time spent in game base building, and farming?

Also, just in case you're interested. I did a fun experiment one wipe. Testing the limits of solo adventures. I farmed two 8 hour days of nodes, and I got around 35 - 40 rockets, and I'm not sure on the stone but it's somewhere between 80k to 100k stone. Just some stats. I'm a scientist at heart. ;)

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