The entire world is a scam.

I went off social media for a few months around Christmas time. Experience was amazing, i started to realize how bad TikTok was for me, and in general I just enjoyed the smaller things and didn't need that instant dopamine that TikTok gives. I deleted Instagram, TikTok, facebook. However i kept discord only since I talk with my friends there

My productivity, focus and enjoyment at work went up by a lot, and i started going to the gym again, and my results showed since I didn't follow the false Tiktok gymshark steroid user who gave "fitness" advice and wanted to sell their program.

I want to do this again in summer time, gives me the ability to enjoy the outside more. Hikes, bike rides walks etc. With my newfound knowledge of nutrition my health will be on top of its game.

The health boost i had was quite amazing and i would recommend as long as you don't disconnect away from your friends in any way.

/r/socialism Thread