Entitled family member wants to be paid for a dessert they brought to a family gathering

You can have your own opinion. Just acknowledge that it's the minority opinion.

If you can't afford the trampoline park, don't throw the party at the trampoline park. It's rude to pick the destination and then ask people to pay. Oh, and bring a gift. What if someone you invite can't afford it? Now their kid doesn't get to go to the party that all the other kids get to go to?

"I'm paying for the pleasure of your company." You come to my house for game night, pizza and beers are on me. Bring your own if you have a flavor you like. I invite everyone to dinner? I'm paying. If you appreciate that, then offer to do the same some other time.

It'd be pretty rude to invite someone out for dinner and drinks, go to your favorite steakhouse and then surprise them with splitting the check.

These are all related.

/r/EntitledBitch Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it