Entity may not obtain visa for Major for one of Russian players: "Even a direct invitation from Arlington mayor wasn't enough"

You are blaming russians for not risking their lifes revolting against a goverment that will kill them without thinking twice. As someone who lived in an opressed country as equally evil as russia ruled by a ruthless dictator for decades, and you suggesting to just rise up against it makes my fucking blood boil. Do you think nobody has ever thought of doing that? Any attempt at rising up against the goverment is shut down within hours!! It's not like people don't hate the government either, everyone I know despises the fucking government and wish from the bottom of their hearts our rulers be dead. I don't think I nor my family are responsible for any terrible crimes that my country has committed and I think this also applies to an average russian. Do I think all the sanctions are justified? Yes. Do I think average russians should be accountable and blamed for not doing anything against their shitty government? No, they are also victims of putler.

Sorry for bad english btw.

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