ENTJ looking for INFJ advice, Roast me as hard as I need

Another INFJ perspective: Whenever someone presents me with an idea that conflicts with my own experience or perception of reality, I listen to what they have to say, and even see if there’s a piece of what they’re saying that I can use in my own life. In the end, I’m going to go with what I feel is right for me regardless of what someone else’s opinion about reality is, or whatever the data is saying. If my gut tells me something, no one else can tell me different. I won’t argue with the person or try to change their mind, but I’m not going to change my mind either unless it feels right. I’m very live and let live when it comes to ideas. People act like being right is more important than being respectful. But if you aren’t respectful of another person’s right to experience and perceive reality differently than you, that’s not technically right either. People usually learn best from experience and not by being told what to think/believe.

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