ENTP (f) in relationship with INFJ (m)

You’ll most likely need to be the one to initiate most things like this. Our functions seem to very strongly steer us into being very passive. Even if we want to be more aggressive, we still just hit maybe a less passive state but never really pull out of that category.

For me (I don’t know how universal this is) I see it as muddying things if I prompt something. I know the likely responses to my actions so when they happen because of what I’ve done it feels like I’ve manipulated it and it isn’t as true as it could’ve been. Waiting for someone to act lets me see something more true and real. So generally I’ll hold back as much as I can, because seeing what’s real is the most important thing to me.

My best relationship was with an ENFP. He was my best friend for 4 years and then we dated for maybe 3? Long distance most of the time at that point, because of college. Health issues (mental for him, physical & mental for me) were what seemingly tanked things. Other than that it was lovely. I could talk to him about almost anything (health stuff stressed him, inferior Si thing maybe?).

/r/infj Thread