ENTP vs ESTP female teenagers?

I'm an ENFP and my sister is an ESFP, so not exactly what you're looking for, but hopefully this will be helpful anyway.

In high school my sister and I had a lot of the same interests and were in a lot of the same activities. Sports, band, and choir were the ones we had in common. We both did well in our respective sports. She was in volleyball, basketball, and softball(varsity for all). I was in track. I did not have the coordination necessary for team sports, and I blame that on inferior Si and totally non-existent Se. She was awesome at sports, and still is. I was better at band. I played several instruments well, and still do, and she played one well enough, but hasn't played since we graduated 16 years ago fuck I'm old. We were also both in show choir (where you sing and dance) and while I was good at following directions and could keep up and do all the dance moves, she made them look good. Se is very aware of their own body and surroundings and are able to use that to their advantage (our dad is an ESTP and also a good dancer). We both did well academically in school, but she was on honor roll while I was not because I boycotted assignments I thought were stupid (why would I write a report on Last of the Mohicans, a bastardized hollywood version of history? I mean, really). I also wrote a lot of poems and short stories, and she had no interest in stuff like that. She always said she didn't get my poems because she's not a "deep thinker." Which seems strange to me, but that's another thing about her, she knows herself. We both loved trying new things and going to parties and telling stories, but we butted heads a lot because of our different thought processes. I was always saying, "But, why?" and she was always saying, "Just because. Deal with it." She's also a much more effective leader than I am, and I think that has to do with dominant Se. I think in tangents and she thinks in a straight line. Another thing we had in common, which we have both since grown out of, is that we were both incredibly opinionated and judgmental. I was judgmental against the populars, and she was judgy against the nerds (though I think this has more to do with Fi than Se or Ne).

There's more, but this should be enough to tell the difference. And keep in mind that this is totally anecdotal and subject to any scrutiny this sub may unleash upon it.

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