Equal pay for women?!

Disclaimer: You should know before reading this that I don't have any particular opinion one way or the other about which gender is more privileged, and I'm not trying to argue for either side here.

You can't just look at those things and say there's a systemic disadvantage for women. You haven't cited any possible factors at all that might explain the disparity outside of the question of equality. You just assume the problem is that men are more advantaged a priori. ("It's obvious, duh" is never a reason for anything).

How many women actually try to accomplish those things in the first place compared to men? Why are those things, specifically, the things that determine privilege? I can guarantee I will never be able to become a Congressperson even if it's all I ever strive for and my gender is irrelevant to that fact.

For the wealthy, how much of that is because of the accumulated wealth of past generations being passed down through male lines rather than female lines during times when women actually were still disadvantaged, and does that disadvantage still exist or is it a product of time lag? You almost made it to this question, but you swerved around it pretty hard.

When testing a hypothesis, it is necessary to examine and eliminate all the other possible explanations first. You haven't examined or eliminated any of them.

You also ignore any possibility that women can in fact be at an advantage over men in any area at all. How many women have ever been drafted to war? How much more dangerous is it simply to be male than it is to be female? Does balancing the scales mean giving women all the advantages men have historically had without giving them any of the disadvantages?

You can't say that just because something has been true that it is still definitely true only because the scales are still wobbling from the rearrangement. Your last paragraph is nonsense. Yes, obviously, history has been cruel and unfair to women. But the past is not the present. By that logic we could have a world where women come to dominate all aspects of life and enslave all men and you would still be able to claim men are more advantaged than women simply because they once were. It defies reason.

You act like history is permanent when the only permanent fact about it is that today is always different from every other day that has ever passed. Tomorrow will be different again and everything will always continue to evolve.

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