Equipment Rebalancing Next Steps

Didn't notice the 2nd thread until now, so reposting my original comment here, but, my thoughts on the changes:

  • Slight nerf on blowpipe but not as extreme. Or better yet, don't nerf it, but just make it more expensive to use.
  • Don't nerf Dhide, it's been the way it has for pretty much the entirety of 07 history and I personally haven't seen a single complaint.
  • Dinh's is supposed to be tanky, shouldn't be such a big nerf. Maybe give it a slight magic negative like -10 and leave the melee defense as is.
  • Warhammer changes actually sound pretty cool. Could result in some interesting new PVP builds. I like this one. Warhammers feel like such an underused item in the game. Fully support.
  • Mace/Spear/Hasta speed changes I'm half and half on, could be good, could be bad, would need to try that out myself to give an opinion. That said, I think for maces at least it could be good, but for D spear and Z hasta it could make them better than they need to be.
  • The ones for platebodies etc make no sense to me. You say chainbodies etc are outclassed, yet you basically buff platebodies? Doesn't make much sense to me. Scrap those IMO. Instead buff the ranged defense of chainbodies etc more if you want to improve them. Or do something entirely new, like buff run energy regen when using lighter armer like med helms, chain bodies etc.

At the end of the day it's important to see the whole communities opinions, as I might be talking out my arse, but these are my personal thoughts on the matter.

/r/2007scape Thread Link -