Is the Erg "Inferior cardio"?

You are a rower - I am assuming your “trainer” knows this, correct? Yet you are only assigned cardio 3x week? And then this muppet suggests to NOT do rowing?

So...when do you, uh, actually row...?

Dude, unless you are trolling us you must be a complete young noob and therefore you are ascribing said noob gains to a trainer who likely does not have the foggiest idea how to train other people.

Just because a guy is big (to you) does not mean he has any f’in idea what he is talking about. (see Genetics, and in some cases, anabolics)

Anyway, if you are a rower, as you claim, I figure you would have the common sense to look for a trainer who has a) worked with rowers or b) at a minimum UNDERSTANDS THE FUCKING SPORT.

FFS man, NEXT THAT CLOWN. He’s stealing your money and he’s disrespecting the sport with the “inferior cardio” horseshit.

Oh yeah, more fucking steady state.

/r/Rowing Thread