
-- A basic monster script skeleton you can copy and modify for your own creations. comments = {"Bill looks at you angrily.", "The tiny triangle is more deadly than it looks.", "Bill prepares to attack."} commands = {"Talk", "Flirt", "Threaten", "Offer"} randomdialogue = {You can try\nkid.", "I'm undefeatable.", "Why are you /neven fighting?"}

sprite = "billcipher.png" --Always PNG. Extension is added automatically. name = "Bill Cipher" hp = 200 atk = 5 def = 5 check = "A smol yet deadly yellow triangle." dialogbubble = "rightwide" -- See documentation for what bubbles you have available. canspare = false cancheck = true

talkcount == 0 flirtcount == 0 threatencount == 0

-- Happens after the slash animation but before the shaking and hit sound. function HandleAttack(attackstatus) if attackstatus == -1 then -- player pressed fight but didn't press Z afterwards else -- player did actually attack end end

-- This handles the commands; all-caps versions of the commands list above. function HandleCustomCommand(command) if command =="TALK" then talkcount = talkcount + 1 if talkcount == 1 then currentdialogue = {"Too bad."} BattleDialog({"You quietly told Bill you /ndon't want to fight.")} elseif talkcount == 2 then currentdialogue = {"I don't care, fight me!"} BattleDialog({"You told Bill loudly /nthat you did not want /nto fight him."}) elseif talkcount == 3 then currentdialogue = {"FIGHT BACK!" BattleDialog({"You yelled at Bill to stop. /nHe twitched for a second"}) else currentdialogue = {"I don't care anymore. /nJust fight me!"} BattleDialog({"You couldn't think of anything /nto say."}) end elseif command == "FLIRT" then flirtcount = flirtcount + 1 if flirtcount == 1 then currentdialogue = {"I'm trying to kill you, n/not get a girlfriend!"} BattleDialog({"You tell Bill that he's /npretty hot."}) elseif flirtcount == 2 then currentdialogue = {"I'm a demon. I can't /nfall in love."} BattleDialog({"You tell Bill that you /nlove him."}) elseif flirtcount == 3 then currentdialog = {"Nope. Never gonna happen."} BattleDialog({"You ask Bill if you both /ncould go on a date sometime."}) else currentdialogue = {"Nothing? Perfect."} BattleDialog({"You can't think of anything else /nto tell Bill."}) end elseif command == "THREATEN" then threatencount = threatencount + 1 if threatencount = 1 then currentdialogue = {"You don't scare me kid."} BattleDialog({"You tell Bill that you'll /nslaughter him."}) elseif threatencount = 2 then currentdialogue = {"Hah. Thats funny."} BattleDialog({"You tell Bill that you'll /nrip him to shreds." elseif threatencount = 3 then currentdialogue = {"Kid, I can't be scared."} BattleDialog({"You whisper to Bill that you /nare not what you seem."}) else currentdialogue = {"Can't talk anymore, can you?"} BattleDialogue({"You try to think of a threat, /nbut can't manage to think of one."}) end elseif command == "OFFER" then offercount = offercount + 1 if offercount = 1 then currentdialogue = {"Well I COULD work something out..."} BattleDialog({"You ask Bill if you could do /nsomething to help him."}) elseif offercount == 2 then currentdialogue = {"How about a deal? /nGive me your SOUL."} BattleDialog({"You ask bill what he is planning. /nHe gives you a sly grin."}) elseif offercount == 3 then currentdialogue = {"Yes? Okay, I'll come back /nfor it later!"} BattleDialog({"You tell Bill that you /ncan give him your soul."}) check = "Your new overlord." canspare = true if threatencount > 2 currentdialogue = {"Thanks for the soul, kid. /nJust try not to make things challenging."} else currentdialogue = {"Reality is an illusion, /nthe universe is a hologram, /nbuy gold byeee!"} end end end end

/r/Unitale Thread