Error in sending LTC to my BTC address Account 2 on Trezor.

This reddit user, btctroubadour wrote a very in depth guide about the opposite of what you have done, (i.e. sending BTC to a LTC). Athough, perhaps it could be helpful for you. This is it here below, send btctroubadour your thanks!

Ok, so the overall plan is to a) find and verify that you've got the right key, b) convert it to Bitcoin format and import it into a segwit-supporting Bitcoin wallet and c) wait for the funds to be spendable. Sounds easy, right? Well, perhaps not.

a) and b) can be done right away, so let's get started:


Find the right address in your Trezor Litecoin wallet:

- Choose Litecoin (#1), chose account (#2), click "Receive" (#3).

- Find and copy the M-address (#4). Example: MWdtJrjsfeyGBuCVxAx7N4gKsmFShViS1M

- Note down the BIP32 derivation path (#5). Example: m/49'/2'/0'/0/5 (the apostrophes are important!)

- Go to the address converter (#6).

- Convert the M-address to a 3-address and copy it. Example: 3QRjzyKuiY7qPPvbrHxmYRRvZ4eznfF3Jb. This must match the 3-address that your money were sent to, or you've got the wrong one.

- Go to some Bitcoin blockchain explorer and check the 3-address. Verify that it has the money you expect. If not, repeat the steps above until you've found the right one. ;)

By the way, the reason Litecoin has converted from using 3-addresses to using M-addresses is to avoid exactly the problem you're having right now.


Get the private key for the 3/M-address (both have the same private key, it's just a different encoding of the same data):

- Go to your offline version of the BIP39 page

- Type in the BIP39 mnemonic - aka "Trezor recovery seed" (#1), your passphrase - if you have one (#2), choose "LTC - Litecoin" (#3) and BIP32 derivation path (#4), as shown here.

- Now, for the part that requires preciseness: Type in the first four segments of the BIP32 derivation path (#5) [from the Trezor Litecoin wallet], but not the fifth one (we'll find that further down on the page). Example: m/49'/2'/0'/0.

Note that it starts with 49', not 44' (which I used as an example in my first post yesterday) due to the fact that the BIP32 derivation path for segwit addresses are somewhat different than ordinary addresses, cf. BIP49.


- Scroll down 'till you find the address index that matches the last segment in the BIP32 derivation path such that the path shown on the left (#6) is exactly the same as the one you noted down from the Trezor Litecoin wallet.

- Record (and keep safe!) the corresponding Litecoin private key (#7).


Now, without changing anything else, change the Coin selection to Bitcoin, as shown in (#1) here.

- Scroll down to the correct address path again (#2) and record (and keep safe!) the corresponding Bitcoin private key (#3).

Note that the Litecoin and Bitcoin private keys you've now found really represent the same private key (i.e. the same large number that is the private key), they're just encoded with a different base58check prefix so that software can easily see what kind of coin this key is intended for.

Obviously, in your case, a key intended for Litecoin has been used on the Bitcoin network, which can be a bit of a hassle after-the-fact - but in normal circumstances this is supposed to help users prevent unintentional crossovers between currencies/chains.


Now that you have the private Bitcoin key, you could in theory lean back and wait 2 weeks for segwit activation on the Bitcoin network, but I figured we might as well use the time for something productive: Walking you through the process of importing the key, but using Litecoin Core (which runs on a network where segwit has activated) instead of Bitcoin Core.

This will ensure that you get some dry-run training on how to actually do it - as well as verifying that you've managed to all the steps above. So if you're still with me, here's a few more bullet points:

- Install Litecoin Core and let it sync up with the network. This may take a while, depending on the beefyness of your internet connection and computer. (Mine took between 3 and 4 hours.)

- When it's done syncing, open the "Debug window".

- Import the Litecoin private key like this: importprivkey <your-privkey-here> "From Trezor" false. The false at the end prevents it from scanning through the full Litecoin transaction history to see if you've received any funds (we already know you haven't - on the Litecoin network, anyway)

- Now open the "Receiving addresses" window and copy the L-address of the key we just imported (which you will recognize by the "From Trezor" label we gave it, above).

- Activate the corresponding segwit address like this: addwitnessaddress <your-L-address-here>. The wallet should respond with an M-address, which is the P2SH-P2WPKH address representation of the redeemScript that we talked about yesterday (but that you don't really need to know anything about as long as the wallet handles it for you).

If the wallet responds with an error message saying Segregated witness not enabled on network (code -4), it only means that it isn't done syncing (downloading/verifying) the blockchain all the way to the point were segwit was activated. Just wait until it's full synced and this should resolve itself. Incidentally, this is also what Bitcoin Core would tell you - and why you cannot really see your BTC in a wallet yet.

- The final step is to make sure the M-address that was added (you'll find it in the "Receiving addresses" window even after you've cleared/closed the "Debug window") matches the M-address that we started with in the Trezor Litecoin wallet. If it does, it means the circle is complete and you've levelled up your crypto skills. Congratulations! :D

(Eventually, when you do the same steps in Bitcoin Core, it should give you a 3-address instead of M-address [remember M-addresses are just 3-addresses encoded with a Litecoin-specific prefix]. And this 3-address should be the one where your money resides.)

Epilogue: To prepare for doing the same steps in Bitcoin (but with the Bitcoin private key and Bitcoin Core instead), you may as well start early by installing Bitcoin Core and letting it sync up (it probably takes quite a bit longer than Litecoin!). Also, you may be able to do the same things in a lighter-weight wallet like Electrum, but I've really only used Core and Trezor, so I can't be of much help then. (I did try to find documentation for how to do this with Electrum, but couldn't find anything.)

Good luck! :)

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