ESEA uploaded this video today

Think of the two actors (the darkskinned guy and the white guy) objectively. That means any feelings you have towards them has got to be gone in order for you to be able to watch it objectively.

What is the darkskinned actor doing? He's doing acrobatic moves.

What is the white actor doing? He's jumping into the scene and gets instantly laughed at.

If you involve feelings here I understand that you might think ESEA is ultimately making fun of people with down syndrome. But if you continue to look at this objectively you have to think that the darkskinned actor and the white actor are both actors representing a role.

The darkskinned actor is representing the ESEA client and the white actor is representing the "other clients".

(Here are theories I have what this video truly means) So what we can make out of this is that ESEA thinks of themselves as acrobatic. I have no idea what that means in a sense of being a client and acrobatic but who doesn't want to be acrobatic? It might be a way of them showing that they look at their client highly and a bit bragfully.

So when the white actor makes an appearence he instantly gets laughed at. It's not beacuse of him allegedly having down syndrome (we went through this during our objective reasoning). What if it them just laughing at the "other clients" (which the white actor is representing) for not being as good as the ESEA client. Remember that ESEA saw themselves as acrobatic? They might see it as since ESEA has been in the scene for a long time other clients have come in to have a similar concept without suceeding as good as ESEA have hence it being a flop and hence people laughing at the new clients attempting to enter the scene. If anything this is just extremely unprofessional from ESAS side.

TL;DR My theory is that ESEA is just laughing at their competitors while bragging about their own client. If anything this video is extremely unprofessional. But I don't think it's anything to do with making fun of people with down's.

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