Essay from Josh Lerner, MD after the CDC loosens guidelines for all of us on the front lines

This is all so fucked. China literally shut down cities, blocked roads exiting wuhan, went into martial law mode, and they are JUST finally getting control of the outbreak.

In the west we all seem so lapsadaisical implementing "sort of" measures, closing some things down, trying to "sort of" enforce some rules, it's different by state to state and province to province...

If this doesn't completely outline how fucked we are, check this out.... In my health region, I shit you not we got this email...

Patients who are suspect or positive COVID-19 are allowed to leave their rooms (i.e. to smoke, utitilize the Safe Consumption Site, etc.). They must wear a regular surgical mask and practice appropriate hand hygiene. If there are any questions about patients not following the required guidelines when leaving their rooms, please contact a manager.

So... Covid + patients are allowed to wander our hospital freely, go out for smokes, go to the cafeteria etc...... Please someone tell me that this isn't completely fucking insane?

/r/medicine Thread