Essay on Wikipedia by Gwern: "One of the most distasteful aspects of Wikipedia editing these days [...] is that the guidelines, as practiced, encourage editing in bad faith."

Subverting tired fanservice cliches like "accidental boob grab xD" does not mean you're against fanservice. Eva has both earnest fanservice and bait-and-switch stuff - it's not about saying "fanservice bad" but about being unpredictable.

I read and not one of the Anno quotes implies "enjoying sexualized drawings is bad". Not surprising; you didn't paste any specific Anno quote and instead sent me on a wild goose chase to ctrl+f and read the context of the word "service" every time it was used, in a page that used it 54 times.

Given my use of "sex-negative", I clearly used "fanservice" to refer to sexual fanservice specifically; when Anno uses the term "service" he's using it in a far wider way.

How do I put it - for me film is a “service industry.” The customers supply the money, if it’s a movie [they] come to see it paying 1000 [yen] or so, so your job, I think, is to give back to the customers something interesting or something they enjoyed seeing of equal value to the 1000 or so that the customers paid.

He then talks about how he wanted to subvert viewer expectations and create a work that's not purely escapist and is able to criticize the audience. Once again, this is far wider than "jacking off to anime is bad".

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