Estrogen feminists secret Allie

Drinking lemon juice raw gives you good skin, it's sour as fuck but there's no gain without pain. It's healthier than using skin-care products and has OP points out, a lot of those products contain parabens.

Eggs, eat loads of them. Some people like to eat egg whites specifically to help them cut, but the yolk is what has all the nutritious shit in it. Plus it's more filling.

Green tea is good. Drink lots of water. Warm water is really good for helping to flush out your body/aid your liver.

Use grass fed butter, not corn fed or margarine/spread. Fish oil supplements are good, they contain omega 3 and most people lack them. Tuna is a high-protein food that's pretty cheap, I get it tinned in sunflower oil. Brine is cheaper but it's a synthetic preservative, the oil is healthier, if only slightly. People will moan about the mercury, what you gonna do? The planet's polluted. It's tasty, full of protein and a great snack. On the topic of oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil is meant to be one of the best oils to cook your food in, so use that over things like sunflower oil, which are cheaper because they're inferior cooking aids.

Obviously, avoid soda, it's obesity-waiting-to-happen in a can/bottle. When you see that stuff, assume it will make you fat. Some people can drink lots of it and not get fat because they have an over-active metabolism, but don't gamble with your health and assume that you're one of those people. Drink alcohol in moderation, if you can drink it straight/on the rocks it's healthier than drinking it with mixer, which is usually always a high-sugar aritifical fruit juice or a soda/energy drink.

Another thing, get fibre. Legumes are good for fibre, so think of the different kinds of beans and peas.

Broccoli is another great food, it is an aromatase inhibitor, meaning it inhibits the enzyme known as aromatase. Broccoli (among other foods, google "aromatase inhibitors") helps to prevent/lower aromatase from synthesising estrogen out of your testosterone. This leaves you with more free testosterone in your body, and lower estrogen levels. Some people coloquially refer to foods that do this as "estrogen blockers." I try to add broccoli to every meal.

/r/TheRedPill Thread