“Ethereum is all about creating a better world by aligning incentives”

ETH has the largest developer base of any crypto. Calling it a scam is just irresponsible, and believe me no one will listen to you even if you have good points to go along with, People hear something outrageous from you and they stop listening then and there.

I did check to see if BTC SC we're possible, and to my amazement they are. Learn something new every day. That being said, choose your words better. Idgaf if you criticize any project, just make sure you do so in a way that is 1) backed with solid arguments 2) and not with words like "scam!", whilst leaving no evidence/links whatsoever. You may be right about some things, but I guarantee you lose people's attention on the regular because of poor delivery

/r/ethereum Thread Link - ikiguide.com