[ethics] Nafeez Ahmed "8chan.co, the central hive of GamerGate, is an active pedophile network."

We've got the full regressive left playbook in this one.

On the moral virtue of SJW's:

Yiannopoulos then went on to use the charade to smear what he calls “SJWs”, an internet pejorative referring to “Social Justice Warriors”, people who:

“… believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men.”

That includes, basically, anyone who thinks the banks are out of control; supports gender equality; recognizes that despite much progress women and ethnic minorities are still marginalized compared to white males across key institutions; and is increasingly concerned by far-right neo-Nazi sympathisers whose power is rising on the back of political and economic uncertainty.

How the fuck do you get that explanation from the quote you're citing?

Help the oppressed women:

The issue is Yiannapolous’ systematic use of his Twitter account to engage in derogatory and often highly personalized attacks on women he disagrees with — in the process, drumming up his army of online acolytes to harass those women incessantly with targeted messages of hate, violence, threats, and sexualized comments.


Equating conservatism with 8chan and child porn

As Daily Dot reports:

“On numerous public forums, 8chan users share graphic images of children, plus links to hardcore child pornography. No content is hidden. Thousands of posts are accessible within two clicks of the homepage.”

Numerous 8chan forums, reportedly populated mostly by conservatives

Crisis of Masculinity™

The sad phenomenon of Yiannopoulos’ ‘journalism’ is a disturbing symptom of a deepening social problem: a crisis of masculinity.


What this means is that violence against women is a global phenomenon, a seamless continuum of structural misogyny that transcends different cultures, nationalities, ethnicities, and faiths.

The one thing we can all agree on! Structural misogyny. It transcends all boundaries.

This shows that the convenient far-right mythology that violence against women is only a problem ‘Out There’ perpetrated by ‘Them’ foreigners is little more than a figleaf to justify a very real epidemic of sexual violence against women in the US and UK, perpetrated by American and British men.

He also hilariously cites non-peer reviewed marketing research, polling data commissioned by Liz Clairborne, a study from 1987, and data derived from anonymous survey's with ambiguous, open-ended phrasing to support the idea of a 'rape epidemic'.


The common denominator here, as uncomfortable as it may appear, is the complicity of one gender: men.

The US, the UK and the world is facing a global crisis of masculinity.

Men — white or black or brown or pink or whatever — need to wake up to our responsibility in perpetuating power structures that normalize systematic violence against women, and a whole host of related forms of violence against people and planet.

I've actually enjoyed some of this guy's NatSec work but this piece was about as awful as it gets.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Link - archive.is