Use etiquette when commenting

Beyond just making your comment cleaner, a lot of users on WWW sound like (or actually are) major assholes because of the way they word arguments.

On many of the fights in “Sort-by-New Hell” have maybe 5 comments. Each comment just saying “lol roflstomps Character A 11!/10” or something along those lines.

Those kind of comments are the worst. Zero respect to the OP or the spirit of the sub. Because if someone knew nothing about either characters and read that post, they’d get nothing out of it.

I recently made a post on WWW pitting a stronger nation vs an obviously weaker one. I knew the battle was one-sided but I wanted to see how one-sided people thought it would be.

After a day or so of responses, the general consensus was “very one-sided.” Mission accomplished.

And then someone posts this:

The Romans have metal. Mehtal

Like wtf? This motherfucker think I’m six years old? It’s not even like he was the first to discover that point. He posted a day late.

Seriously, some people need to learn some tact.

/r/CharacterRant Thread