Etizolam: False Confidence

It reminds me of the times etiz made me super confident and actually charming - I only took 4mg though, so no blacking out, slurred speech or anything, you couldn’t tell I was on anything.

So one time I went to the club and took some of my own etiz solution. Been dancing and drinking for long enough that the etiz has lost its effects, but I really wanted to approach this girl, so I grabbed my etiz blotters and took about 4mg knowing in about half an hour I’ll become Chad so we can have a great time with this lady.

I trusted my blotters so much I approached her without having any kind of second thoughts just to find out I couldn’t even put a proper sentence together because I was so nervous and awkward and basically shocked that the etiz didn’t do what I was expecting. That’s when I realized my blotters were bunk and I just ate paper.

This girl and I ended waiting in the same bus stop, but I felt so embarrassed that I rather took the 30 mins walk home at 5am. During that time I ate all the blotters - should have been around 40mg -, and of course, they had no effect.

I felt so cheated. Good ok times...

/r/researchchemicals Thread